MindEIO, Bergwerk 2018.1, February 8+9, FHWS, Würzburg
„The Art of Capoeira“, Book store erlesen, February – May, Würzburg, Germany
„A arte de Capoeira, ABADA-Capoeira Jogos Europeus 2017, April 13 – 19, Prague, Czech Republic
„Press photo 2016″, March – May, Munich Airport, Germany
_ 2016
„UPCOMING MASTERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY“, Photokina 2016, September 20-25, Cologne
„Multi Licht Blick“ & „ZEIT“, Bergwerk 2016.2, July 22+23, FHWS, Würzburg
„The Art of Capoeira“, Bergwerk 2016.1, February 4+5, FHWS, Würzburg
„Old Landscapes“, all year, DAV Kletterzentrum, Würzburg
_ 2015
„Old Landscapes“, December, DAV Kletterzentrum, Würzburg
„World of Thoughts„, April / May, Villa Jungnikl, Würzburg
_ 2013
„Reflexions of indefinite moments“, August, KÖR Off-Galerie, Würzburg
MindEIO, Bergwerk 2018.1, February 8+9, FHWS, Würzburg
„The Art of Capoeira“, Book store erlesen, February – May, Würzburg, Germany
„A arte de Capoeira, ABADA-Capoeira Jogos Europeus 2017, April 13 – 19, Prague, Czech Republic
„Press photo 2016″, March – May, Munich Airport, Germany
_ 2016
„UPCOMING MASTERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY“, Photokina 2016, September 20-25, Cologne
„Multi Licht Blick“ & „ZEIT“, Bergwerk 2016.2, July 22+23, FHWS, Würzburg
„The Art of Capoeira“, Bergwerk 2016.1, February 4+5, FHWS, Würzburg
„Old Landscapes“, all year, DAV Kletterzentrum, Würzburg
_ 2015
„Old Landscapes“, December, DAV Kletterzentrum, Würzburg
„World of Thoughts„, April / May, Villa Jungnikl, Würzburg
_ 2013
„Reflexions of indefinite moments“, August, KÖR Off-Galerie, Würzburg
see.conference 2018, Wiesbaden, participant
see.conference 2016, Wiesbaden, participant
_contributed talks:
2018 Padova, Italy, „NLS1 and their place in the universe“
2017 Rom, Italy, „X-ray Universe 2017“
2016 Erlangen, Germany, „FRANCI Meeting 16“
2016 Amsterdam, NL, „11th INTEGRAL workshop“
2015 Madrid, Spain, ESAC, Trainee Alumni Meeting
2015 Bamberg, Germany, „FRANCI Meeting 15“
2014 Lewis, Delaware, USA, Fermi Summer School 2014, participant & talk
2013 Würzburg, Germany, „FRANCI Meeting 13“
2012 ESAC, Madrid, Spain, Annual Trainee Meeting
_poster presentation
2016 Munich, Germany, ESO, „AGN – What’s in a name?“
2015 Madrid, Spain, „The extremes of black hole accretion“
2015 Cracow, Poland, „Relativistic Jets:Creation Dynamics and internal physics“, 2014 Bamberg, Germany, „AG Tagung: The variable Sky“
2014 Dublin, Ireland, „The X-ray Universe 2014“
2013 ESAC, Madrid, „Accretion 2013 Workshop“
2013 Granada, „The innermost regions of relativistic jets and their magnetic fields“
2013 ASTRON/JIVE, Dwingeloo, European Radio Interferometry School, participant
2012 MPIfR, Bonn, „Nuclei of Seyfert galaxies and QSOs – Central engine & conditions of star formation“, participant
2012 Bamberg, Germany, „Black Hole Universe“, participant